Project Review: Raleigh County Solid Waste Authority

Before TerraPass commits any project to its consumer offset portfolio, we undertake a 30-day public comment period during which stakeholders and members of the public can give feedback on the project and its eligibility for a consumer offset portfolio. The Raleigh County Solid Waste Authority (RCSWA) Landfill is one such project. Please contact us at [email protected] to submit your feedback. Comments are due by September 9, 2012.


Raleigh County gas monitor

What they do: A landfill gas capture system collects and destroys greenhouse gases (GHG) produced by the landfill.


Where they are: Beckley. Raleigh County, West Virginia.


Highlights: The landfill is committed to being an environmental leader in its community. In addition to installing the methane flare they also have a mission to educate their community on “protecting the future, today.”

Standard: Climate Action Reserve


Verifier: LRQA Americas Sustainability







Raleigh County Solid Waste Authority

About the Project: The RCSWA landfill is a medium sized municipal solid waste facility that is operational and currently accepting waste. The gas collection and destruction system first went online in March of 2009.


The landfill, which has been accepting waste since in 1974, is subject to New Source Performance Standard (NSPS) regulation due to its design capacity, but is not required to install a gas collection system because emission levels are expected to remain below the regulatory threshold for control until at least the year 2036.  Prior to installing the gas destruction system, the landfill gas was emitted directly into the atmosphere.



The current project encompasses 12 capped acres of the landfill and uses ten vertical extraction wells and a series of lateral and header pipes directing the landfill gas to its ultimate destruction in an open flare.


Why funding from offsets matters to this project: This project was voluntarily built and revenue from offsets were included in the financial planning process. Moving forward, the RCSWA would like to continue its leadership role in the environmental well-being of the community and plans to install additional wells and gas collection systems as the facility fills-up. Offset revenue is required for the installation and maintenance of these additional systems.


Why TerraPass believes this project should be funded:


  • Baseline conditions: Prior to implementation of a gas collection and destruction system the landfill gas was emitted directly to the atmosphere.
  • Additionality: There is no regulatory requirement for the collection and destruction of this landfill’s GHGs.
  • Impact of funds: Establishing carbon offset revenue helps assure a positive financial outlook on this project.


Additional community benefits: The funding of this project provides additional benefits to the surrounding community in the following ways.


  • Job creation: The construction and ongoing operations and maintenance create job opportunities for skilled workers.
  • Environmental benefits: In addition to minimizing GHG emissions, capturing landfill gas also helps with odor control, reduces other air pollutants such as volatile organic compounds, and protects groundwater from contamination.
  • Educational benefits: The RCSWA offers tours of its facility and provides environmental education and discussions for the local community.