Crow Lake Wind Emissions Reduction Project

Project TypeRenewable Energy

What They DoCrow Lake Wind is a 162 MW wind farm near Chamberlain, South Dakota, generating emissions reductions by displacing grid-connected energy sources.

  • WHERE THEY AREChamberlain, SD
wind energy renewable energy

About This Project

This project consists of 108 wind turbines spanning 36,000 acres in South Dakota. The wind farm generates 162-megawatts, and its annual emission reductions are estimated to be 432,128 mT by displacing the need for fossil fuel power generation**. Also, one of the wind turbines is owned by South Dakota’s Mitchell Technical Institute and is used to educate future wind technicians.


  This project is eligible for Green-e® certification.

Project Identification Number


Project Monitoring Report

Project Verification | Validation Report