Every BEF Water Restoration Certificate® created represents 1000 gallons of water restored on your behalf. By purchasing BEF WRCs® you are directly contributing to the restoration of recreational and ecological vitality in critical freshwater ecosystems.
Do You Know Your Water Footprint?
The average person in the US is responsible for nearly 2,000 gallons of water a day and only a small amount runs through our home. Nearly 95 percent of your water footprint is hidden in the food you eat, energy you use, products you buy, and services you rely on. 3 As much as we want to conserve water, we can’t avoid using it thus resulting in a water footprint for each and every one of us. TerraPass recognizes the importance water has in our daily lives, our ecosystem and the effects climate change has on freshwater resources. That is why we have partnered with Bonneville Environmental Foundation (BEF) to educate people about endangered waterways and to offer a viable solution for balancing your water footprint through BEF Water Restoration Certificates® (BEF WRCs ®).
Verified By National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
To assure the quality of your BEF WRCs®, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, a widely recognized leader in freshwater restoration for the past 12 years, reviews all BEF WRC® restoration projects and ensures their optimum environmental benefit.
Purchase BEF WRCs®
The average person in the US is responsible for nearly 2,000 gallons of water a day to support their lifestyle.
£3.33 per 1,000 gal