Climate friendly shipping from terrapass and VivaTerra

Press Release

San Francisco, CA,  May 8, 2013 / 3BL Media


Terrapass, a leading provider of carbon offsets and renewable energy credits (RECs), is proud to partner with VivaTerra, a top online and catalog green lifestyle retailer, to offer customers the option to offset the emissions created with the shipping of their products. VivaTerra products strike a balance between well-being and living well, and carbon offsets help ensure the sustainability of the products all the way to the customers doorstep.


By choosing to purchase carbon offsets during check-out customers are mitigating the carbon footprint of their packages. The $1 carbon offset add-on is reducing greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to turning off a laptop for about 4 months. The carbon offset purchase is supporting the Red Hills Wind Farm in Oklahoma. This project puts renewable energy on the grid in an area that is predominantly powered by coal.


Working together VivaTerra and terrapass recognize the choices and purchases we make everyday can make a difference. VivaTerra chooses partners and suppliers who share their values and work to make a positive difference in the world.


About terrapass


Terrapass’ projects helps businesses and individuals reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Our projects create carbon offsetsrenewable energy credits(RECs) and sustainable energy. We believe everyone can take action to fight climate change.