Originally published on TriplePundit as part of a Terrapass sponsored series on Carbon Offsetting. Carbon offsetting...
How to Find the Perfect Carbon Offset
Originally published on TriplePundit as part of a Terrapass sponsored series on Carbon Offseting. Carbon offsets have...
Carbon Offsets 101: A Simple Guide to Buying Quality
Originally published on TriplePundit as part of a Terrapass sponsored series on Carbon Offseting Carbon offsets used...
More Choices Help Lower Household Carbon Emissions
Terrapass Introduces Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) For the Individual Customer—It’s Not Just for Businesses Anymore!...
Carbon Footprint of Driving vs. Flying: What’s Best for the Earth?
Travel and tourism was a $700 billion global moneymaker in 2022, and the industry has shown no signs of slowing. While this is great for the world economy, because travel also requires burning fossil fuels, it can be a significant contributor to the amount of greenhouse...
Going Green: Sustainability in the Cannabis Industry
From CBD to medical marijuana, the benefits of the cannabis industry are well-documented. What has fallen by the wayside is the awareness of sustainability in the cannabis industry; what is the impact on the environment of the growth and cultivation of cannabis? This is...
Roundup of the Most Endangered Species in the World
The world we live in is constantly changing and evolving, and so are the species of plants and animals living in it. With this change also comes the occasional extinction or endangerment of a species. Extinction means a species no longer exists, while endangerment mea...
Best Hikes in the U.S. and the Impact of Climate Change
Hiking has been a part of Americans’ lives for generations. Whether discovering untouched land or simply for recreation, this outdoor sport is a part of our history. Today, hiking ranges from simple urban trails that meander throughout a city to backcountry trails t...