With the world population nearing 8 billion people, there are ever-increasing environmental concerns about how to make...
Climate Change Battle: Causes, Effects, and Solutions
Climate change is real, and the evidence is all around us. While the changes to the earth's climate are nothing new,...
What Is The Paris Climate Agreement? Everything You Need to Know
Do you ever dream of a world where people set aside their differences and work together to combat climate change? In...
Groundhog Day: Folklore, Season Creep and Climate Change
In a few days, we’ll be on the lookout for a tiny rodent searching for his shadow. This little guy determines if we...
U.K. Environmental Issues: The Threats and How the U.K.’s Responding
Before we dive into examining the various environmental issues facing the U.K. and the world at large, a quick primer: In order to tell the truth about climate change, we have to be very clear on the grave risks facing humanity and other life. The challenges we face are...
What’s Your Corporate Carbon Footprint?: A Guide to Carbon Calculation for Business
Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions make our planet warmer by trapping heat and causing climate change, which has many catastrophic effects. Rising temperatures can result in increased flooding, habitat loss, higher sea levels, and more. As a business, ...
How Can Voluntary Carbon Markets Help Lessen Global Warming?
A carbon market is — put simply — a marketplace where carbon credits or offsets are bought and sold to compensate for the carbon emissions an individual or organisation is responsible for. Carbon and other greenhouse gases are the main driver behind climate change. ...
Carbon Emissions Issues and Climate Change in the UK
We are all aware of the gross effects of climate change, with recent years seeing the warmest global temperatures ever recorded, each one resulting in new records for rising temperatures. We hear how the global average temperature of Earth’s surface is now 1.2 degrees...