Nicholas Lown

Educate Them Early: Green Learning Opportunities for Kids

Educate Them Early: Green Learning Opportunities for Kids

“Where on earth did my child learn that?”  If you’re a parent, it sounds like something you said…um…yesterday?? It’s not until later, when you catch yourself saying/doing the exact same thing, that the influence behind your child’s new habit becomes apparent. They...

Snowed In – Going Green in Winter Weather

Snowed In – Going Green in Winter Weather

This winter season, schoolchildren everywhere are performing snow dances and going to bed with their PJ’s on inside out, in eager anticipation of a coveted snow day. Parents, however, often have icier feelings towards winter weather. The idea of a snowstorm – and...

Urban Homesteading

Urban Homesteading

Small refrigerators, minimal storage and tiny sinks are generally what come to mind when picturing the “urban” kitchen– hardly a place where nourishing meals could be harvested, prepared and stored. However, with the popularity of urban homesteading on the rise, more...

The Carbon Footprint of Thanksgiving

The Carbon Footprint of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a week away, and we’ve broken down the carbon footprint of a turkey, as well as the biggest emitter of greenhouse gases this holiday season: Thanksgiving-related travel. See how your choices affect your carbon footprint, and learn how to lower your...

A Site Visit to the Greater Lebanon Refuse Authority

A Site Visit to the Greater Lebanon Refuse Authority

Though created on a continuous basis, carbon offsets are actually delivered in chunks based on the chosen length of a reporting period. These are often one year long, but the Voluntary Carbon Standard allows for longer. In this case, GLRA has a reporting period of a...

Top Tips to Go Green in the Workplace

Top Tips to Go Green in the Workplace

As a sustainable lifestyle enthusiast, you’re probably fed up with employees printing unnecessary documents or throwing away items that are meant to be recycled for another project. You want to encourage your employees be more eco-conscious, but you don’t know where...