Nicholas Lown

Carbon Offsets for Your Wedding?

Carbon Offsets for Your Wedding?

Weddings are unique events where individuals celebrate their love and vow to spend their lives together. While these events are exceptional opportunities to spend time together with family and friends, there is a growing problem with today's weddings. Couples...

Geothermal Power for Your Home

Geothermal Power for Your Home

Malcolm Gladwell tells us that geothermal energy isn't as exotic as we think. His own father recently started using geothermal energy to heat and cool his home. The conversion allowed him to throw away his old oil-fueled furnace -- despite living in chilly Ontario....

Green Wedding Guide

Green Wedding Guide

Weddings generally mean BIG carbon footprints.  Think invitations, food and drink, venue, entertainment, family and friends’ travel, flowers and the energy it takes to keep the whole production flowing.  Even if you generally lead an environmentally conscious...

Winter Meal Prep: Sustainable Comfort Foods

Winter Meal Prep: Sustainable Comfort Foods

In the summer and fall, it’s seems simple to whip up a sustainable meal. Seasonal vegetables and fruits abound, so there’s always a fresh supply of local ingredients. Sustainable winter meals can be a bit more challenging, but that doesn’t mean you need to eat canned...