Nicholas Lown

America Recycles Day

America Recycles Day

Since recycling started to gain popularity in the 1960s, it has taken on a life of its own. Today, recycling helps limit waste, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, unite environmentally-minded individuals, and so much more. While millions have adopted recycling as part...

Electrical Grid

Electrical Grid

Every time you flip a switch, charge up your phone, or turn on a television, you are taking energy from the electrical grid. While you enjoy the convenience of on-demand electricity in your home or business, you may not be aware of the complicated infrastructure it...

What Is a Sustainable Forest?

What Is a Sustainable Forest?

If you care about the environment, then you probably already know why forests are so crucial to the health of our planet. They help preserve precious ecological systems and are one of the best natural ways to help remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. [1]...

What is Carbon Dioxide?

What is Carbon Dioxide?

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is nearly undetectable. However, this colorless, odorless gas that dissolves in water is always nearby. Every time you exhale, CO2 is released, and when fossil fuels are combusted, an even larger amount of this gas goes into the atmosphere. While...