Terrapass is Now On Board with Enterprise Rent-A-Car

Inc. Magazine has the scoop on Terrapass’ latest partnership, an agreement with Enterprise that will allow customers to purchase a carbon offset to balance their rental car driving. From the article’s lede:

Enterprise has been toying with the idea of offering carbon offsets for a couple of years. Now, with all of its questions answered, the decision has been made…As they sign on the dotted line, a beaming Tom Arnold, Terrapass’ chief environmental officer, takes out his Blackberry to snap a picture, which he promptly emails back to the office. “I have to share this with my team,” he says.

Said picture (of Alicia from Terrapass with Pat Farrell, Enterprise’s new vice president of corporate responsibility) is over there in the corner.

We’re excited about the great story in Inc.’s new Eco-Advantage issue, and even more excited about our partnership with Enterprise Rent-A-Car, which our customers have been requesting for a long time. Starting January 1, 2008, when you rent from Enterprise, National, or Alamo, you will be able to purchase a 300-lb carbon reduction for $1.25, enough to balance the average rental car trip.

Better yet, Enterprise has agreed to match customer purchases up to $1 million, essentially doubling the impact of the program.

The good news for Enterprise renters is that you’ll also be renting from a company with a solid environmental platform that is focused on direct greenhouse gas reductions. Enterprise has the highest fuel economy of any rental fleet. They’ve been smart about strategically deploying their 54,000 flex-fuel vehicles near E-85 stations, and they have the largest hybrid fleet of any rental car company. The founding family has also made impressive donations to biofuels research and habitat conservation.

Enterprise took their time developing a carbon offset program, in part because they weren’t sure how customers would react. As Inc. reports, Enterprise “surveyed consumers and was surprised by the response. Not only were consumers aware of carbon offsets, 45% said they were either ‘a little’ or ‘a lot’ more likely to rent from a company that offered them.”

We’re not as surprised, but we’re certainly gratified. The article in Inc. is here, and you can check out the official press release here (pdf).

Brought to you by terrapass.com
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