Climate Change Matters
Preserve our planet for generations to come.
Greenhouse gas emissions are upsetting the natural balance of our ecosystem. Learn more about how our planet is changing, how your actions contribute to climate change, and what you can do about it.
What is climate change?
According to the EPA, climate change refers to any significant change in the measures of climate lasting for an extended period of time. In other words, climate change includes major changes in temperature, precipitation, or wind patterns that occur over several decades or longer.
An analogy we like is that climate change is like a baseball player on steroids. A baseball player will still hit home runs if not taking steroids, but as he takes steroids, the frequency and intensity of the home runs increase. Just like we will still have hurricanes, hot days, and other significant climate events without climate change, the frequency and intensity of these events increases with climate change.
How do I contribute to climate change?
In our everyday lives, we all create carbon emissions which make-up our carbon footprint. According to The Union of Concerned Scientists, the average carbon emissions per person in the United States is 17.62 mT per person or the equivalent of keeping 3.7 passenger cars on the road for a year.
How can I reduce my carbon footprint?
The first step to reducing your carbon footprint is knowing where your carbon emissions are coming from. Both individuals and businesses can calculate their carbon footprints by using our Carbon Calculator. Once you have assessed where your carbon emissions are coming from, you can take action to reduce your footprint. Small changes can make a big difference. Below are a few ideas to help you get started.
You can also improve your MPG by properly maintaining your car. Be sure to take your car in for regular tune-ups, keep the tire pressure inflated to the correct PSI, and make sure you are not carrying around extra weight in your trunk. For more good ideas on reducing your carbon footprint from driving, check out these tips from the EPA.
Another common but overlooked source of energy use in the home is vampire power, also known as phantom power or standby load. Vampire power refers to devices that are plugged in at home and are constantly sucking energy even when turned off. It is estimated that vampire power accounts for 10% of energy usage in our homes. You can manage vampire power by unplugging devices when not in use or using a power strip for easy management of your devices. Learn more about what you can do to reduce your vampire footprint by visiting
Even after you’ve done your best to reduce carbon emissions through action, some of these activities will still emit greenhouse gases. Through your purchase of carbon offsets, you fund projects in communities across the country that reduce emissions beyond what you can achieve through personal action. Offsets make environmental and economic sense – for emissions that are impossible to reduce, you can fund emission reductions elsewhere.