Marketing Your Actions
Increase awareness, speed up change.
Marketing Your Actions
Stakeholder engagement—from top management buy-in to customer communications—is an important part of any carbon offset purchase. At terrapass we help sustainability managers and companies, big and small, communicate the importance of managing your carbon footprint through carbon offsets.
More Than a Carbon Offset
Carbon offsets are more than an environmental tool to help your company meet its emission reduction goals. They are a powerful device to further sustainability goals and to tell impactful stories about sustainability, communities, and technology that is reducing the global warming potential of harmful greenhouse gases in ways that benefit people, planet, and profit.
terrapass Badge Program
Organizations that purchase carbon offsets through terrapass are eligible to become a terrapass Badge Partner. Badges come in three levels, indicating the amount of carbon emissions reduced. The Badge Partner Program includes additional benefits such as mentions on social media, collateral to show your commitment to reducing your carbon footprint, and a listing on the terrapass website.