Thank you for registering!

Thank You!

Our team will be in touch within 48 hours with more details, including the official entry form and welcome packet.


If you have any questions in the meantime, please reach out to Kristi at [email protected] or 415-635-5630.


About TerraPass and this contest


Show off your skills by competing by yourself or as a team to create a recycled art piece in any medium. You’ll join us the weekend of April 11-12 at a Bay Area farmer’s market to collect recycled items for your work of art. You can start your project ahead of time but you’ll have three hours at the farmer’s market to incorporate recycled material from the event—and get as many votes as you can! The winning team from each market will have a week and a half to round up more votes online and the winners will be crowned April 22 in San Francisco. The first, second and third place winners will receive a cash prize—and bragging rights!


TerraPass is an environmental sustainability company whose mission is to bring together a community of individuals and businesses with tools to fight climate change. We help everyone take action to reduce their carbon footprint by supporting emission reduction and renewable energy projects throughout the United States.


We’re hitting the streets… or more accurately, the farmer’s market alleys… to get the word out about what we do, and why we do it. We’re offering a new way to take action with a product designed specifically for Bay Area residents. It will take many different actions from people all over the world to combat the effects of climate change but we can start right here in our own backyard. Join us!